Quotes from And Jack & Jill Came Down the Hill...
Jill: Why do they even make powder blue ones, y'know? I mean, some poor bastard's out there without a clue. Why give him the opportunity to screw up this badly?
Barto: I guess they think men want choices. How little they understand us.
Barto: This could just be Jack and her... her lists. Bullet points do make her happy.
Elisa: Hey, would you ever date a musician?
Mikey: If she's hot.
Elisa: Yeah, that's your answer for everything, isn't it.
Mikey: Pretty much.
Jill: So.
Jack: So.
Jill: You, uh, ready to get married?
Jack: Absolutely.
Audrey: The smurf goes in your garter.
Jill: Hey, pretty soon I'm gonna be Mr. David Jillefsky... which is pretty much what I am now, but, y'know, the Mr.'s gonna sound completely different.
Jill: Do you trust me?
Jack: Yes.
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