Quotes from Crazy Like a Fox, Hungry Like the Wolf
Jill: Damn the peanut companies and their varied selection of nuts.
Mikey: Karaoke's dead, done, finished. Thank you, Gwyneth, we've all moved on.
Jack: Her speaking ability seemed somewhat limited, but that's probably because of all the collagen in her lips.
Jack: Would you like to celebrate with a little duet?
Audrey: What's that?
Jill: A sub-woofer. Below the woof.
Russell: Get over yourself, blondie. Okay? You're not half as hot as you think you are, and even if you were, you still wouldn't be my type.
Audrey: I wanted to talk to you.
Russell: No thanks.
Audrey: Wait a second! I wanted to apologize.
Russell: Oh! Oh, well, then by all means.
Audrey: I'm sorry.
Russell: Man, you really suck at apologies.
Audrey: Yeah, well, it's not one of my strong suits.
Barto: I gotta accept the fact that I got monogamous blood coursing through these veins. It's a curse, but it's mine to bear.
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