Quotes from The Time/Sex Continuum
Russell: Are you as surprised as I am that we, uh...?
Audrey: More.
Elise: You decided to have a church wedding?
Jack: Well, we didn't really decide. My mother decided for us when she emailed me and said she would kill herself if I didn't get married in a Catholic church with a Catholic priest.
Mikey: I just want to restate one more time for the record: no prostate check.
Barto: Oh, you caught me. This was my sneaky way of getting to stick my finger up your butt.
Barto: Sounds good.
Mikey: Am I gonna live?
Barto: Not if you don't shut up.
Mikey: Turns out I'm a medical oddity, all my internal organs are flipped. Take it easy, everything on the outside is exactly where it's supposed to be. Okay?
Jill: Good to know.
Audrey: Look, if we have sex tonight it'll go from being an occassional thing to an every night kind of thing, and once we get on that train there's no gettin' off. Before you know it we feel like we're living together.
Russell: Which we are.
Audrey: We live separately in the same apartment.
Russell: Oh, details, details.
Russell: Wash windows?
Audrey: Don't forget to bring your squeegee.
Dr. Madison: I told you to stop watching ER.
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